



What is Japan Pantomime Association?

Japan Pantomime Association is an organization dedicated to the promotion and development of pantomime in Japan, as well as to the exchange and support of artists involved in pantomime. It is a new association established by the entire pantomime community in order to meet more people through pantomime.



目的 AIM


それぞれ日本国内で活躍するパントマイム・アーティストが互いに交流、刺激し合える環境をつくります。 作品発表の機会提供等による活動支援を行います。また、会員の舞台創作活動が円滑に開催できるよう協力致します。 ワークショップなどを通じて、青少年、若手の育成を行います。 現在は主にアーティスト単位で行われている国際交流をサポートし、海外のアーティストに対しては日本における受け入れ窓口を作ります。  


With artists

Creating an environment where mime artists in Japan can interact and inspire each other.

We support the activities of our members by providing them with opportunities to present their work. We also help them to organize their creative activities smoothly.

Nurturing young people through workshops. We support international exchange, which currently takes place mainly on an artist-by-artist basis, and create a contact point in Japan for overseas artists.




パントマイム公演の情報を一元化し、新しいアーティストに出会う機会をつくります。 これまで体系的に整理されていない日本のパントマイムの歴史をアーカイブする機関となります。


With audience

Organizing events and publicizing performances in order to make the wonderful art of pantomime more accessible to a wider audience. We centralize information on pantomime performances and create opportunities to meet new artists. We will act as an archive of the history of pantomime in Japan, which has not been systematically organized before.



団体を設立することで信用を獲得し、活動の範囲を広げます。日本における窓口を設立し、国際交流を行います。 個人活動では難しい学校、企業等とのタイアップを行います。


With the outside world

By establishing an organization, we gain credibility and expand the scope of our activities.

We establish a contact point in Japan for international exchange. Tying up with schools and companies, which is difficult to achieve as an individual.








  • Our organization is made up of members who are Japanese pantomimists, and patronage members who are non-performers but agree with the aims of the association.
  • All pantomimists working in Japan are eligible for membership.


◯名誉会長 Honorary President 

                        ヨネヤマママコ Mamako YONEYAMA

◯名誉会員 Honorary members (*五十音順)
      あらい汎 Han ARAI
      清水きよし Kiyoshi SHIMIZU
      やまさわたけみつ Takemitsu YAMASAWA

◯代表理事 Representative Director  

                         江ノ上陽一 Yoichi ENOUE

◯理事 Director   

                         北京一  Kyoichi KITA
      小島屋万助  Mansuke KOJIMAYA
      山本光洋  Koyo YAMAMOTO

◯監事  Auditor   

      羽鳥尚代  Hisayo HATORI

◯正会員  Regular Members  (*五十音順)
      藍義啓  Yoshihiro AI
                  伝三F    Denzo F

      細川紘未  Hiromi HOSOKAWA
      明神勇保米  Yuhobei MYOJIN
      村田美穂  Miho MURATA
      山田とうし  Toushi YAMADA 
      山田ヒデノリ  Hidenori YAMADA



一般社団法人 日本パントマイム協会 定款

一般社団法人 日本パントマイム協会 

〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野3丁目30-1 東上野ビル2F

Tel : 03-6803-0702

Mail : japan.pantomime.association@gmail.com

JAPAN PANTOMIME ASSOCIATION, General Incorporated Association

Address: 2th Floor, Higashiueno Building, 3-30-1, Higashiueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, #110-0015, JAPAN

Phone: +81-(0)3 6803 0702

Mail: japan.pantomime.association@gmail.com